Hybrid Bermuda Grass for Sale in East Texas

This Bermuda Hay hybrid is a leafier and typically more nutritious hay. Horses, cattle, sheep, goats,  do well on it. Jiggs Hay is known for its crude protein, and its total digestible nutrients (TDN) are usually higher than the common Bermuda grasses. Jiggs is a great source of that needed extra nutrition for horses during the winter. Using a mower conditioner and tedder to assist in the curing of the hay and the appropriate amount of fertilizer for optimum growth, we promise premium Jiggs Bermuda Hay for local feed stores, farmers, and horse barns in Tyler, Longview, Henderson, Whitehouse, and the rest of East Texas.

For fast pickup or delivery of our small square Jiggs hay bales, contact us today. We can have our hay on your truck within 24 hours.